Saturday, September 6, 2008


August 17th, 2008 at 7:47pm
HI CUTIE PIES !! Well as you know lol my breasts have been known to shred seams burst buttons and really fuck up some zippers LOL. Being summer, its wedding season.. and well im a bridesmaid in my friends wedding (always a bridesmaid never a bride lol) anyways, so we go for our “FITTING” for our dresses. Let me explain that the dress is VERY fitted and its a tube top type cut and so my breasts are already popping out of it but it then zips up in the back. Well, i guess my breasts went through some kind of growth spurt cause here we are at the bridal shop trying on the dress, it starts to feel a bit tight as they are zipping me up but they get it zipped and it looks oh so beautiful and not 20 seconds later does the zipper break off from the seams and rip from top to just above my bum LOL. OOPS !! well the seamstress was pissed but i wish i had a camera for you to see the looks on my friends faces as well as the other people in the store, my breasts fell right out the zipper was hanging like a dog chewed it off LOL. So ya i can add that to another article of clothing that i destroyed LOL. They will obviously fix it and hopefully when i walk down the isle in two weeks it doesnt rip in front of the priest LOL. My friend thats getting married will kill me lol. She’s like “Tay just dont breathe out till the wedding k” LOL.

Anyways, i thought you guys would like that one :). Ive been online on my webcam all day and ive been having so much fun with you guys. I will be online alll week long as well :). Dont forget the fanclub is full of tons of new pics and vids and will be updated all week. I’ve been bouncing like crazy today LOL.

Here’s another vid for you boys hope you likey



Get your FREE REGISTRATION and ill see you tonite !!