Thursday, April 17, 2008


HIYAS... thought I would post about my upcoming trip to SIN CITY. All of you who know me know i absolutley love vegas. Thats a place where i feel home. So im headed there next tuesday evening, to celebrate my birthday, ill be driving up to anahiem to see the UFC fights. The fights are gonna be awesome as they always are, originally though one of my favourite fighters George st. pierre was supposed to be fighting but he is out with a groin injury, so bj penn took his place. I still think it will be an awesome fight, but i was a bit dissapointed that George wouldnt be there to take the belt from Matt huges :) hehe. But otherwise its still a great c ard and am soooo looking forward to it.

My trip is gonna be jam packed and i figure why not celebrate my birthday the whole week lol. Id love to hear from those of you who have been to vegas too tell me where to go what to see all that kind of stuff, even though i have been there so many times i know there is still so much more to see :). So id love to hear from you guys. Im staying at the MGM i always stay there, i just love it there !
I will definitley be hitting the poker tables LOL... gotta test out my skills amongst the vegas ringers LOL. hahaha. So wish me luck, and come by and see me before I leave. I will be ONLINE all week. Remember i come back on the 27th and will be online then, i will also be online and live from las vegas and updating the blog for you guys. So, ill see you online in a few hours :) Don't forget im uploading loads of pics to my fanclub:)

