Thursday, April 17, 2008


HEY GUYS !! Well, i had kickboxing class yeseterday and I hurt my ankle :( .. It was really bad yesterday, I went to get xrays done and see the doctor today and im told it was a small sprain and to ice it and wrap it in a tensor bandage. Its feeling a lot better and i can put more weight on it but i gotta keep it elevated tonite, but no worries i will be back ONLINE before the weekend :). I just have to rest it a bit. :) Guess i was thinking of the last blind date i was on and went a bit rough at it LOL. Ill tell you about all another time hehe.

So, here are a few pics from a set im uploading, ill be uploading half tonite and half tomorrow since there are over 130 pics and a video. So be sure to join my fanclub to see the full set. I had a lot of fun on cam the other other nite and cant wait to continue it :)

Love you all,
